
exploring minimalism

category: lifestyle

Much of the following rules and notes are of The Minimalists ideas.

everything you own falls into "essentials", "nonessentials", or "junk"


  1. 90/90 (used last 90, will use next 90?) = “seasonality rule” covers seasons; spring = autumn

  2. 1 in 10 out trains letting go muscles

  3. 20/20 = replace item let go of for <£20 within 20 mins of location “Just in case rule”

  4. emergency items = handful of JIC items to keep: ex first-aid kit, jumper cables, water, tire chains, emergency blanket (depends on location)

  5. just for when = toilet paper, toothpaste

  6. 30/30 “wait for it” = anything costing >30, get by without for next 30 hrs? if >100, wait 30 days - assess value to life; intentional acquisition!

  7. don’t upgrade = electronics, don’t upgrade if you don’t need to if they break:

    1. go without
    2. repair it
    3. replace it
  8. 10/10 material possessions theory Geoffrey Miller evo psych (Sex, Evolution, & Consumer Behaviour)

    1. list 10 most expensive possessions - anything owned last 10 yrs
    2. list top 10 most valued - can include experiences

    see what’s in common

  9. selling deadline = sunk-cost fallacy if behaviour pushes you to do things that are making you unhappy/worse, 30 days to do what you can to get rid of stuff, otherwise time more valuable ([](

  10. spontaneous combustion = feel good for sth to spontaneously combust?, delete! for all aspects of life

  11. willing to walk = if house burning, loved ones + irreplaceable things… not forming too much attachment, don’t let happiness depend on sth you may lose

  12. minimalist gifting = love is transcendent, not transactional, contribution is a love language, bottomless empathy, “presence is the best present”; experiences - more value than material gifts

  13. minimalist gift getting = tell people about the experiences/local places/favourite charities etc

—› can adjust based on your parameters